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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

Being Extraordinary

Being Extraordinary

The Live Large manifesto is a guide for intentional living. One of my favorite parts of it reads:

We aim to be exceptional and recognize that average actions do not produce extraordinary results. This requires us to both live “in the moment” and to plan for future explorations that expand our horizons. A bent toward active adventure does not preclude the quiet enjoyment of a spectacular sunset. Be & do.

Being exceptional requires a little bit of extra effort, however, average is so awfully bad that being extraordinary is really not that hard. Put down your phone. Turn off the TV. Really listen to the person in front of you. Be spontaneous. Plan a trip. Savor a meal. Be thoughtful about how you spend every day.   

Start this weekend. When my kids were little and went to camp, they came home saying, “Don’t waste fun.” Well, this is your chance to do the same. Your friends will thank you for getting them off the couch. 

Inspire a Shared Vision

Inspire a Shared Vision

I Do Not Have The Time

I Do Not Have The Time