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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

Being Extraordinary

Being Extraordinary

What does it take to be extraordinary? It starts with doing things that other people don’t do, or not doing the things that most people do. Let’s face it, average isn’t exactly all that appealing. Average actions do not produce extraordinary results. Wouldn’t you rather stand out than fit in?

Here is a short starter list of simple things you can do on your journey to extraordinary:

·     Wake up earlier than your friends

·     Invite your friends over for dinner

·     Spend less time consuming media

·     Go for a walk without your phone

·     Develop a simple mindfulness habit

·     Stick to an easy exercise routine

·     Be the node of your friend network

The world needs extraordinary people who assume the responsibilities of leadership. You can be one of these people. It is not easy, and it is often frustrating when the people around you do not reciprocate or share your enthusiasm for doing hard things. My advice is to serve as a beacon. Lead by example.

Your reward is knowing that you are a positive influence on the people in your life. Keep going.

Saying No!

Saying No!

