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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

Housley Lessons

Housley Lessons

Tomorrow marks the end of the semester for the Housley Principled Leadership Program at Texas State. It seems impossible, but this is the 14th year we have taught the course on campus. My first students are now full-grown adults with careers, spouses, homes, and children. They are also making a huge difference in their communities, and I am so proud of the leaders they have become.

I spent the week in Cabo with friends, which sounds fantastic until you learn that I have also been sick the entire time with something I picked up over Thanksgiving break. The trip has allowed me to practice what I preach in class.

First, you can’t always control what happens to you but can always control how you react and respond. I’d give myself a solid B+ on my coping with this temporary illness. After several failed attempts at soliciting sympathy, I just decided to roll with it, load up on meds, and get some sun.

I also had an opportunity to practice presentism and recognize the effect my current state of mind has on my view of the future. It is tough to get excited about forthcoming events when you feel like crap. Recognizing the impact of your current state of mind on your views of the future is essential when making plans. Sometimes, delaying a decision is better than making a bad one if you are not in the right frame of mind.  

And, of course, recognizing the power and value of relationships. Spending time in a house full of brilliant, ambitious people who know how to have fun is always a thrill. We got some work done, explored, fished, dove, ate, drank, and shared our plans and goals for the year ahead. It was a great week.

At the beginning of each semester in the Housley Principled Leadership Program, I tell my students I have two great hopes for them. The first is that they will become more self-aware and reflective; that they will be able to articulate who they are, where they came from, their core values, and their purpose. The second is that they will commit to becoming people of consequence, that they will become leaders who make a difference, who matter. This is my great hope for you as well. Enjoy!



