Know Thyself
A few years back I took the family to Greece and we visited the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. It is 2500 years old and requires a hell of a hike up, but it is full of ancient wisdom. Inscribed on the temple wall is one of the maxims of the Seven Sages. It simply says, “Know Thyself.”
I consider this to be the foundation of leadership and intentional living. How can you expect to influence and inspire others if it is not apparent that you have your own shit together?
How many of us find ourselves well into adulthood without ever truly challenging our own beliefs, examining our background influences, defining our purpose, articulating our core values, understanding our motives, or developing a philosophy and plan for intentional living?
Human beings are terrible judges of what will make us happy and mild-to-moderate delusions help most of us get through our days on autopilot chasing elusive goals that are not really that important.
The gift of honest introspection must be cultivated by the true leader. Sage advice from some old Greeks.