The most prized possession throughout history has not been diamonds or gold, but wisdom. The wisest people in life typically enjoy the most success. Wisdom is a treasure that leads to other treasures.
Wisdom is the way we incorporate our values and experience into our decision-making process. If we know ourselves and are comfortable with our values then we can be guided by wisdom in any situation, especially in times of crises.
Knowledge is a precursor to wisdom. We develop skills through knowledge, and we gain wisdom by applying those skills in the world. Experience is a great, if sometimes harsh, teacher. The wise learn from experience and develop a broader and more multi-faceted perspective. They are more likely to see things strategically and foresee implications.
Wisdom is far more valuable than knowledge because it is much rarer. As a leader it is your responsibility is to help your people gain wisdom.
Think about your goals and development. Are you growing wiser? Are you thinking more deeply about the decisions you make? Minerva knew the value of wisdom and prized it above all other treasures.