
The students in this spring’s Housley Principled Leadership Program are an amazing group. Spending four hours with them each Friday is invigorating and it renews my sense of purpose heading into the weekend. We are off for a couple of weeks for spring break (Remember those? Maybe not.)

Overdose on Youth

A couple of decades ago I started my very first consulting assignment at a large manufacturing company. The firm’s innovation-driven glory years in the 70s were distant memory by the time I arrived. The business advantages the company had previously enjoyed were gone, but the people were not.

Mike Versus the Mountain

It is always sunny in Mike Friedman’s world – even on a cloudy day. My relationship with him has come full circle. Mike’s extended interview with Kalypso was a three-day ski trip in Beaver Creek.

Timmy Turns 60

This was a big weekend for milestone birthdays. Friday night we celebrated Geoff Comstock’s fiftieth with a rockin’ house party. Having attended his twenty-first birthday party some years ago I should be in a good position to compare and contrast the events.