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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.



Unlocking our uniquely human potential involves exercising and developing the talents with which we have been endowed. We have a tendency to falsely attribute performance to innate abilities and do not place enough value on hard work and practice.

Similarly, we often seek to blame someone else, or something else, for our shortcomings. We want to believe that our station is the result of circumstances beyond our control; that things were determined for us. These theories of determinism include:

Genetic – It is my grandparents’ fault. I am what I am because of my DNA, and I have no control over that.

Psychic – It is my parents’ fault. This is how I was raised, and I am incapable of changing.

Environmental – It is the fault of the people around me. It is hard to soar like an eagle when you work with turkeys. I can’t be blamed for my own behavior.

Take a hard look in the mirror. These paradigms are the result of conditioning or conditions, and they limit our belief in our own potential. Break free of deterministic thinking and take control of your circumstances to unlock your true potential.  



Know Thyself

Know Thyself