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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

Know Thyself

Know Thyself

Great leaders share a common passion for the promises of life and can express themselves fully. This free and joyous self-expression is the essence of leadership, but it has a prerequisite: You must first know yourself. Genuine leaders know who they are; they recognize and exercise their strengths and acknowledge and compensate for their weaknesses. They also know what they want, why, and how to communicate those desires to others in a fashion that elicits enthusiastic cooperation and support.

Leaders are optimistic and positive people that believe the future is going to be better. They can “zoom out” from the problems of the present and envision a better world that is aligned with their personal mission. The leader that knows themself can rise above the noise and strife of the world around them to communicate and motivate others.

With self-awareness comes confidence and with confidence comes influence. Leaders need not be pollyannish about the real problems we face to paint a positive picture of how things can be better. Know thyself and fully express your views on the promise of a better life. The self-aware leader creates the future by articulating a vision and making it a reality.       



Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy