Encourage the Heart
In our leadership course, we use the book The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by Kouzes and Pōsner. It is the simplest checklist for evaluating your leadership performance as I have found. The last of the five practices is “Encourage the Heart.”
Accomplishing extraordinary things in organizations is hard work. Leaders keep hope and determination alive by recognizing the contributions individuals make. They motivate members of their team by:
Praising people
Encouraging others
Expressing appreciation for people’s contributions
Creatively recognizing people’s contributions
Celebrating accomplishments
Publicly recognizing alignment with values
The climb to the top is arduous and long. People can become exhausted and disenchanted. They’re often tempted to give up. Leaders encourage the heart by recognizing contributions and celebrating values and victories. Genuine acts of caring uplift spirits and draw people forward. Praise is a renewable resource. Effective leaders use it liberally.