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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

Model the Way

Model the Way

In our leadership course, we use the book The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by Kouzes and Posner. It is the simplest checklist for evaluating your leadership performance as I have found. The first practice is referred to as “Model the Way.”

Modeling the way means creating standards of excellence and setting an example for others to follow. Leaders that model the way have personal credibility. They exhibit this leadership practice by:

  • ­ Setting a personal example

  • Aligning others with principles and standards

  • ­ Following through on promises

  • ­ Giving voice to values and principles

  • ­ Making sure people support common values­ 

  • Seeking feedback about the impact of actions

Effective leaders realize that their followers are watching them, listening to them, and reading between the lines to take their cues. You lose credibility if your actions do not match your words.

This is the definition of integrity. Your people are hungry for your leadership. Give them your example.  



Being Indispensable

Being Indispensable