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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

Being Indispensable

Being Indispensable

I have had the privilege of hiring hundreds of young professionals over the past twenty-five years. Each of them was special in their own way, but there were clear standouts in this exceptional cohort. Some did their jobs well, and some were incredibly talented, but only a small handful made themselves indispensable.

Becoming indispensable is a deliberate choice. It requires going above and beyond doing a good job. Seth Goodin calls these people “linchpins.” He argues that our organizations do not need more genius. They need people that know how to get shit done. This is my profile for the ideal team member.

People that thrive in an ambiguous and changing environment, that do not rely on positional authority or a chain of command. The best bring solutions to problems I didn’t know we had. They never give off a sense of entitlement and realize that attitude matters as much as aptitude. Linchpins create value and then expect to be rewarded rather than the other way around. They quickly get labeled “can’t lose.”

The reality is that most people are easily replaced. What are you doing to become truly indispensable?

Model the Way

Model the Way

Say "YES!"

Say "YES!"