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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

The Roots of My Raising

The Roots of My Raising

One of my favorite philosophers was a wise old guy named Merle Haggard. He famously said in song, “The roots of my raising run deep.”

I confess that I am a middle-class white kid from a small town with two parents that are still married after sixty years and love me very much. This isn’t a great start for an “up by your own bootstraps” kind of life story. I am not my own sculptor. There were – and are – many people heavily invested in shaping who I am.

Understanding the influences that created us and our worldviews is an important step in our journey of self-awareness. Exploring the familial sources of the most marked characteristics of our personalities is a valuable exercise in self-discovery.

I can draw a straight line between many aspects of my character and my parents and grandparents. An extreme work ethic, high academic standards, responsibility and reliability, and a fun and adventurous spirit all come directly from them.

We are all products of our raising. Mine included tremendous advantages. There is no such thing as a “self-made man.” The roots of my raising run deep.

Say "YES!"

Say "YES!"

An Abundance Mentality

An Abundance Mentality